Saturday, March 23, 2013


I'm surrounded.    Here are the last (for the minute) of the Bunny Collection.
He still needs a tail - how did I miss that!

 The Tickly my Tummy Bunny and his Bunny Buddy and a spare foot.....

The Bunny Buddy is ideal for little hands.   His head and feet are all that are stuffed.   He comes in two sizes - the larger one is in two pieces (200 x 300 hoop) plus a tail  and the smaller one is in one piece (plus a tail) and is made in the 360 x 200 hoop.  I know, it doesn't compute, but that is how it worked out!

Now it is back to sail boats and a couple of jobs for customers.   Sue xxx

Friday, March 22, 2013


Easter coming and all those Lindt Easter Rabbits must be having an effect.   Stitching rabbits is becoming madness.    Here are some applique rabbits - just screaming to have their tummies tickled!!

This one is designed for the  extra large  hoop (360 x 200mm)....can you say "somebunny invested in a new 10 needle machine"?

This little guy is designed for a 5 x 7 hoop  (he does look a little like he has had his fringe cut in a somewhat odd manner).

And this one is sized at 300 x 200mm.    

 I used scraps of polar fleece to make the appliques.   One outlines means you only have to take the hoop out once - this makes for a pretty quick stitch out.    The outline is not a tight satin stitch cover as it is design more for fabrics that don't fray such as minke or polar fleece, but if you can cope with little poky bits, then they will work with any fabric.  
Each size is available over at my Etsy shop for just $3 each.   
Happy Easter stitching.
Sue xxx 


Easter is coming, rabbits around my house are thanking their lucky stars!    What started as a softee for a baby, became a bunny who looks like he is just begging to have his tummy tickled, that led to an applique, which led to  a bunny rug, and then before you know it, we have "Lucky Rabbits' Feet" !!

Disclaimer - no bunny perished in this bit of nonsense - you will also note that it has the right amount of toes - bunnies have 4 toes, not 3 - I know because I rang my resident bunny handler and made them count Hamo's toes!!

Here is Hamo - proper title Hamish.    He is a giant breed - the girls in my family like large pets. 

When my nieces where much younger, the family made a trip to some friends who lived in the country.    The man of the house was a huntin/shootin kinda guy and he presented both the girls with a rabbit's foot each.    It took a moment or two, but then they both realised with horror what a rabbit's foot was!    Guess what Auntie Sue has for you both - bwwaahhh......

I have made these into bag hangers and key holders.    I am thinking they would be cute filled with lavender for the undies drawer, catnip for a cat toy, or a toy for a small dog - sorry O'Reilly, you could choke on one!     The digitized files are available over on Etsy - 3 sizes for $5.00.    If you want one ready made - contact me through the email address on the side bar.

Sue xxx